
mike79952 63 years old, Man, Live in Leeds

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United Kingdom
Leeds, Leeds
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About Me

I'm the one with the hat on!
I have to write a profile, well that should be fun. Yawn ! I'm bored already. Ok I best get on with it, so here goes:)Err hmm, Psst! what does everyone else write? …... I know, I like pubs in the country and walking on beaches and sheep and stuff. There aren't many sheep on the beach I find because I think they don't like the sand in their fur and they might be frightened of fishermen because they wear wellies.I like to dress casually but can also present reasonably smartly and I find wellies don't go with the ensemble all that well and that's why I don't have a problem with sheep. I like to travel and consider myself a good driver, because of the skill set I learned in the Fire Brigade which has obviously stood me in good stead. I will admit to a slight problem and that is I am not allowed a red car any more.
I would like a companion who has a sense of humour and that likes all the nice stuff in life. I'll give you an example of the nice stuff. Dining in a restaurant that has tablecloths! (You see none of your rubbish here). I don't trust restaurants that have candles either. Is it that they haven't paid their electricity bill. I also like Fish and chips at the seaside because you have to, I mean why drive all that way and then have a MacDonalds, I mean C'MON...But if you wannabe posh have Scampi, I don't mind! Right that will do for now, I may add more later, then again I might not. I don't like to be too predictable. I also believe in women's rights, a bit, I think that they can contact me if they want to. I also don't believe a woman should be tied to the kitchen sink and so I bought a dishwasher. Ok bye for now, if you want to write please do, if not then good luck in your search.