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Kimberlydavid 45 years old, Man, Live in Michigan

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Looking For
Man and Woman
United States
Michigan, Monroe
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About Me

COUPLE seeks DISCREET fun times with Friends!
DID YOU KNOW THAT AS STANDARD MEMBERS WE CAN NOT DIRECTLY MESSAGE OR EVEN RESPOND ON THIS SITE? WE ARE A COUPLE and WILL ALWAYS BE ONE and as such NEED to be kept as thought of that way AT ALL TIMES so if THAT is a problem then please seek elsewhere and the best of wishes to you! EXTREMELY horny couple who are now looking for safe, sane, sexSexSEX with another couple. Please NO single males need inquire at this time. Race is NEVER a problem for us. Complete discretion IS A MUST! We love to roleplay and his role is submissive to Me but I am submissive to NO ONE... unless I'm into that at the time. That DOESN'T mean that I require or need YOU or ANYONE besides My 'husband' to be submissive to Me... unless You're into that at times. WAS married on 123108. 2 years down and a lifetime to go! Hence My former fiancé has been 'upgraded' from his previously MUCH UNdeserving position as SEXUAL 'equal partner' to his MOST DEFINITELY deserving new LIFETIME position as SEXUAL 'PERSONAL PROPERTY'. his duties and responsibility's as such are now ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING I instruct him to do for My and My guests pleasures, needs, wants, or enjoyments. he is required to serve and service as I mandate him to. his enjoyment is of no concern to anyone butt ME if it's even considered at all.(LOL) I CERTAINLY keep him informed on how things stand for him at any given moment. BOTH VERY involved in helping others smile! NOT as onesided as it seems. Interested? Let Me/us know!
NO 'players' NEED RESPOND!! Seek a local couple for lasting friendship and playmates. Friends FIRST because I DON'T play with strangers. I also WON'T meet alone. We DON’T play on first meetings – as stated we seek friends FIRST – so let’s get together and talk to see if we like each other based on personality… as WELL as looks. Variety is indeed the spice of life and it's ALSO true that repetition is a great way to get better at things! Seeking folks who like doing the 'tried and true' and ALSO the 'try most things