safe mode avator

yourstrulyxxx 70 years old, Man, Live in California

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Looking For
United States
California, Whittier
Marital Status
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm
Body Type
A little extra padding
Medical (Nursing/Physician)

About Me

Gentle Master xxx
Hello Ladies my name is Floyd. I'm a 66 yr. old balding, overweight, out of shape, man with some health issues. Other than that I'm a great catch for any woman. I am a reciently retired older man who is very caring, generous, and affectionate who is looking for more than the sexual fantacies and games on this site. I am looking for a complete love relationship and a woman to shear it with. I believe there are some of you who want the same.Love has many facets. The fantacies and games are only one facet that is a part of me.Another part of me is the part that likes to take long rides up the coast in the convertable talking and laughing all the way. A part of me that likes to see you smile when I gently brush your cheek with my hand. The part of me that likes to sit in a coffee shop or cozy bar for hours solving the world's problems (lol) while at the same time holding hands and kissing and touching so intimatly. The part of me that wants you to look into my eyes and know that you are cherished above all others. The part of me that want's to make you shiver with anticipation when I cup your face in my hands and kiss and caress you ever so gently. Yes ladies the part of me that wants a complete relationship with the right woman.I truly believe that some of you out there would like the same. If you are one of them please contact me and I will respond in kind. If not I wish you all the best and thank you for your time.
I want a sexually submissive woman (after all I am the gentle master lol) one who enjoys the role regardless of age or body type.My idea of a good night out see what you think. First I will take you shopping and buy you a very revealing and sexy outfit. It will be a dress. Either very short or a long one with a slit high up the side. Both for easy access. Next I will take you to a nice resturant for dinner. Then on to the movies where we will sit in the back row like a couple of teen and make out and do some heavy petting.Now it's on to home where if you've been good you will be rewa