
plasters123 55 years old, Man, Live in California

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Looking For
United States
California, Penn Valley
Marital Status
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm
Body Type
Medical (Nursing/Physician)

About Me

What a lady desiresshe should experience.How a MAN treats her she should be fullfilled
I am a 50 year old attractive man so I have been told.(you decide).I look 45 and feel 35.Most 35 year old men can't keep up with me.I am married.My wife does not want to do anything anymore.Just sits home.I am very active and love water sports.I have 7 boats not bragging and use them all.I water ski twice a week.I sail my catamarans at least twice a month. I kayake 34 times a month.I work out three times a week. I am an avid scuba diver and love to travel.I love to mountain ride,hike and backpack.I want a lady to experience things she has not done before.I love to make love in differant places not just a motel room.To take a romantic ride pull over either on a beach or side of a river and make love on the spur of the moment.I love to talk,to listen.I mean really listen. I want a friend.Not just sex. That seems that's all the women and men out here are after. That to me is shallow and that's not me. I want to think of you and have that feeling in my stomach,a smile on my face and can't wait for you to call me or to see you.I am a romantic.I treat a lady like a lady. I will always open your door.You will never pay your way wih me. I will walk you to the inside of the sidewalk.I will treat you with kindness and the respect you deserve.I want a friend.
Looking for a LADY !!!!!!!!!! Younger and very active.Believe me If you are not active you will not keep up.Want you to want to experience things you have never done.A romantic sail on Tahoe.To hike up a creek no on has been before.Want to do things and say things that you haven't done.To kayak up a river to see were it ends.To make love under the stars,under a willow tree.To want a mans man who can please you with a smile. To recapture that feeling you lost years ago,of having a man treat you like a queen again.To tell you haw beautiful you are and mean it.To get wet just from the thought of being with me.To talk to me and know I am listening to what you really are saying.Wanting to