
RobJamesBailey 39 years old, Man, Live in Dorset

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Looking For
United Kingdom
Dorset, Bridport
Marital Status
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm
Body Type
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About Me

Looking for you, possibly.
I want a relationship. I am a highly sexual being, meaning I love pleasure for its own sake, and I want to share those feelings with one very beautiful woman. She must be confident – it shows like a ray of sun in her smile and the lilt of her laugh. I will know when I've found her, and we’ll go the distance and still keep things fresh. I like good food every day, and I take a glass of something warming most evenings. I don’t drive – I cycle. Strangely enough I enjoy listening to music, and I’ve been singing bass in the local choir for just over two years. I love playing badminton and squash, find golf tedious and despair of football. I would like kids one day, but my feeling at the moment is I have too much else going on. If my woman wants to travel then great! When are we leaving? Seriously, provided its fairly local then take me with you straight away. I’d like to find a woman who isn't in too much of a hurry to get on in life, one who can take each day pretty much as it comes and enjoy it. Workwise, well nothing can beat coming home after a hard day to put my feet up and get looked after, if you know what I mean, not that this happens nearly often enough. Unless I’m really relaxed I am a very bad judge of mixed messages, so please be completely honest with me if I look excited! I live in hope that I will find a woman who meets all my sensual needs, and I very much want and need to do the same for her. If you’re having doubts about contacting me then you should know I’ve..
...had some very wild sex in my time, so I’m not looking for a girl who is easily shocked. If you find talking about sex difficult, then please don’t waste my time. Still, I can be very shy too, and tenderness means absolutely everything to me. I’m fairly well endowed, experimental, sometimes selfish and sometimes generous, and can match you for stamina easily. I feel insecure sometimes, and the last thing I need is impatient text messages. Cuddles are much more effective. From Rob Xx