safe mode avator

daviscv232 33 years old, Man, Live in District of Columbia

daviscv232's First photo


Looking For
United States
District of Columbia, Washington
Marital Status
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm
Body Type
Ask Me
Clerical (Office/Shop)

About Me

Looking for a casual relationship
Okay, I'm in school full time, and working part time, so the last thing I'm looking for is a big time relationship. But I'm not looking for a series of one night stands either. Looking for 1 (maybe 2, lol) people that I click with, and can have a FWB relationship. And that does include the F part as well. I'm pretty laid back, I leave all my stress at work. I like to go out and have fun, listen to music, watch movies, drink beer.I can dress up nicely if thats what I need for where I'm going, but most of the time I'm a jeans and tshirts kinda guy. I like the outdoors, but I don't want to sleep there. Hiking is good, camping is bad. But I'm willing to spend the evening outdoors on a blanket, as long as we can go inside and sleep on a bed after. lolFormer Marine (thats why I don't sleep outside), still in shape from 8 years in the Marines. I have been known to bench press my partners. If you're my size or smaller, I can pick you up and carry you. Just dare me to do it.
Looking for someone who wants a casual relationship, that probably won't go anywhere serious, and they're cool with that. I tend to date women 510 years younger than me, because they don't feel the overwhelming urge to run out, get married and have kids.Again, I'm looking for a more casual relationship. If you don't get hung up because I only texted or called you once in the last 2 days, you're my type. Looking for a friend that I can sleep with. Because of the friend part, please be able to carry on a conversation for more than 2 minutes, even if it's about nothing. :) Please have stuff that you want to go do when we hang out, because while we'll end up in bed by the end of the night, I'm not necessarily planning on starting the night there every time we get together.So if you still have a "lets have a beer, hang out and see what happens" kind of attitude, then drop me a message. If your life is filled with drama, then look somewhere else. I don't really have any in my life, and I'm not really interested in adopting