safe mode avator

seetsirgalahad 60 years old, Man, Live in Maryland

seetsirgalahad's First photo


Looking For
United States
Maryland, Clarksville
Marital Status
5 ft 9 in / 176-178 cm
Body Type
A little extra padding
Medical (Nursing/Physician)

About Me

"Cherish" is the word I use to describe...
50 bonus points if you remember the rest of the first line and the name of the group that sang it!Would you like a man to cherish you, body and soul? I will.Do you agree that the mind is the most important sex organ? I'm your man;bright, witty, articulate, charismatic, funny ,sensual,imaginative and very caring.I am a gentleman in every sense of the word, and I always treat women with respect.I love kissing and foreplay. I don't know why I bother with this section, because my experience is that no matter what I say, you've already made up your mind based on pictures and age. Some of you might even believe that you really care about personality and integrity, but you don't. This is all a fantasy game for you, and some of you will even wink to see if my answers amuse you. My body is really hungry for a woman's touch, anywhere and everywhere. Real dad four four warm guy. I'm actually a welleducated intelligent man able to talk with you and make you laugh about a broad range of subjects. Not only that, I'm actually interested in what you have to say! I'M WILLING TO DRIVE TO WHEREVER YOU ARE, UNLESS YOU SUGGESTION S CONVENIENT MIDPOINT.BTW, the colorful little fellow on my head is a Lorakeet, and he's a native of Australia. No, he doesn't live with me.
What difference does it make since none of the women on this site have the least intention of meeting or otherwise getting involved with me.?I'm looking for a woman who's willing to cuddle me, stroke me, run her fingers through my hair and be affectionate as well as sensual.Someone who enjoys good conversation, laughter, good food and wine. A woman who's willing to tell my about her hopes, dreams, frustrations and pleasures. I find many of the women on this site claim to be eager for sex, but few actually follow through. If you respond, please mean what you say.Courtesy dictates that you provide some kind of response, even if "Hell NO"