Kalona Personals

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Feature Male Dating Members in Kalona



44 years old, Kalona, Iowa, United States

no games just great sex I am 38 with muscular build and love to go down on women. give me a shot. you will want more want a woman who knows how to satisfy a…



47 years old, Kalona, Iowa, United States

just for fun I am 38 years old with dark blond hair and blue eyes. medium build and love to pleasure a woman orally. I am sargeantaf where the butterfly sits. looking for someone who…



33 years old, Kalona, Iowa, United States

oldschooljay i'm 26 years old about 5'9 at about 130 pounds. black with dark brown hair. brown eyes a friend leading into a relationship if that happens...



46 years old, Kalona, Iowa, United States

Intros aren't for me... its whats behind the intro that counts Just an average guy living in a small town in Iowa. Don't like to go into detail about myself til I get to know…



25 years old, Kalona, Iowa, United States

Wanna Mess Around? Well I'm around 6 foot, with dirty blond hair, and brown eyes. To get you really interested I have a foot long, thats right a 12 inch penis, around 3 inches thick.…