Griesh2 34 years old, Man, Live in Queensland


Looking For
Queensland, Townsville
Marital Status
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm
Body Type
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About Me

Insert hook here to lure women.. oops! :)
I dislike those kind of blurbs. But now there's no escape! I guess have to spill it... Ok, I've moved up to Townsville from Brisbane to start a new job and in many ways, I'm kicking off a new life. I mean that in terms of the distance from old friends and obviously the meeting of new ones here. I like bushwalking (when there's something cool to see like a waterfall, or somewhere nice to setup a picnic and drinks. :) I like sport I played competitive cricket for 10 years and enjoyed it but I'm just waiting to see if I should start again in Townsville. Sport has a habit of consuming all free time especially if you're not fond of losing. Besides, cricket teams mean lots of blokes and not many ladies, and I'd certainly like to meet someone nice and fun. I guess that's where I stand at the moment, I'm keen to find someone fun to hang out with and get up to mischief on the weekend (and as many weeknights as time permits!). I like watching movies or just hanging out at a BBQ with friends. I'm laid back but can be spontaneous I'm prone to occasional desire to go rock climbing in the morning. (I said occasionally.) I love music, I'm very open minded and basically just love being alive! I play with animals whenever I get the chance and often end up getting bitten by dogs and scratched by cats I probably should have left alone, but that's half the fun. There's an insight into me. How about you message me and let me know about you. Jackson:
Honesty, fun and the kind of conversations which only come from the *gentler* sex. (Gentler is used with caution as generalisations can cause offence and very well may be proved incorrect) LOL.

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