12usmc1219 33 years old, Man, Live in New York


Looking For
United States
New York, Ovid
Marital Status
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm
Body Type
Medical (Nursing/Physician)

About Me

Former Marine Just Lookin' For Miss Right!!!
I am 6' tall black hair brown eyes and a good athletic build. I am 1/2 black & 1/2 Italian (Theres also a lil bit of Hawaiian mixed in there LOL) That would be me on the left in the pic. Besides the normal hang out stuff I love to Play Volleyball, Basketball & Shoot Pool. I am DEF not afraid of commitment, ILove Sex;)!!!!, & u will read below that Im just a big Teddy Bear & I Love to Cuddle;,)
A Sexy Woman that likes to have fun, but dosen't mind a quiet nite at home cuddlin' on the couch watchin' movies. Alos, I really love a woman that is not afraid to show off her body...not Sluty but Confident!!! & it's DEF a plus if u can play Volleyball;) LOL! I know I Probaly wont find it here, but I would Love to find a Woman that will treat me Right, Be Faithful, & Just Love Me for Me!!! I Love kids & Really want a child by the time im in my Early 30's. But first I Need to find the Right Woman. I dont wanna rush into anything, But if u Love sex & Would like to find Mr.Right Give me a try, Dont hesitate to get a hold of me. & for those girls that like "Bad Guys" sry, but im a very nice guy & dont believe in changing myself for any one. I will always Compromise, but no one should have to completley change for anyone. If u Love Me then u must Love ALL of me the "Good" & the "Bad" & I am the same way w/my significant other. I will never expect u to change urself for me. & last but not least...Trust, Faithfulness & Communication are the 3 Largest Factors in any relationship...If u have these 3 things ull be happy 2gether 4ever;) & Again...Please dont hesitate to message me!!!Bri

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