pepe1951 73 years old, Man, Live in Queensland


Looking For
Queensland, Bongaree
Marital Status
5 ft 9 in / 176-178 cm
Body Type
A little extra padding
Medical (Nursing/Physician)

About Me

Hi libido 57yr old horny guy looking for hi libido lady
Hi. I'm 57, a little overweight, use a walking stick thanks to an injury and fit in somewhere between James Dean & Danny De Vito. If you're still there, wipe the tears from your eyes muzzle that chuckle & read on. I love all the usual things but I'm passionate about animals, especially horses, & I still marvel at the power & beauty of the ocean, (I think I must have been Neptune in a previous life {grin}). I am honest, spontaneous, have a good dry sense of humour, strictly monogamous, cheeky but not irreverent, love a good coffee, love a Sunday morning layin followed by a decadent brekky, love to cook with or for my partner, love going out just as much as staying at home cuddled up on the lounge, enjoy the outdoors as much as that comfy lounge, love to hold hands & not frightened to smooch in public,(no that is not restricted to teenagers). Basically I am a softy who wants to spoil & be spoilt. Love & be loved. A hopeless romantic but not a woos or pushover, I do enjoy sometimes watching various sports on telly but its not the end of the world if I miss them coz you still come 1st. Enjoy the occasional drink but only with you. Have my idiosyncrasies but don't we all. I am not afraid to commit to the right person if things go well. I AM alive so, like everyone who's lived & loved before, I do have a past, but it's safely bundled up & archived. more thing, shy at first but once you get to know me you'll find it hard to shut me up.
Hmm.... this ones hard. I guess my wish list is for a romantic honest happy lady who isn’t afraid to show her feelings. Someone who’ll love me for me, likes to pamper & be pampered, understands we can spend time doing things together as well as trust & respect each other enough to allow separate activities. Someone who can relate to all the things in my description above. Gawd .. haven't I used up the space yet? Well if you want to know more you'll just have to ask me personally and we'll just find out about each other when w

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