jthaddeush 26 years old, Man, Live in Texas


Looking For
United States
Texas, Arlington
Marital Status
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm
Body Type
Medical (Nursing/Physician)

About Me

Haha insert funny title
Hmm how do I summarize myself, I can go with the:I'm the coolest guy your ever gonna meet! I love life and having a great time in every thing I do! I'm working on being a doctor right now and its so much work I never even get to sleep! So I fix the problem with energy drinks and late night trips outside to keep myself going! When really a lot of the time I think Id rather be out hiking or climbing a mountain with my dog or riding down the trail pushing the bike as fast as it can go! Or geting my toughness on doing martial arts, how long has it been since I've been to my judo class????But then guys brag on here all the time and girls seem to just want a nice guy every now and then.....I'm the sweet guy when it counts, suprises and I acutally seem to remember important days. And I've sold date ideas because there just that romantic, Casanova pft w/e. And you can eat your heart out fabio! Ever see the movie hitch with will smith? Well thats about me, they just made enough changes that I didnt get the royalties! LOL those bastards!I guess by now youve either decided I'm nuts or hopefully a funny guy, hard to put acoss on here it seems but you can just take my word for it. I'm not happy until theres a smile on every one around me's face. Whats life without humor and laughter? I'm sure every one can think of a place that was just so dull because there was no laughter you had nightmares about it after. Well I'm the antiantifun haha ok I'm just typing to type now... :)
you want to have the most fulfilling, fun, exciting, eventfull day of your life!

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