artist2007 50 years old, Man, Live in New South Wales


Looking For
New South Wales, Taree
Marital Status
5 ft 9 in / 176-178 cm
Body Type
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Medical (Nursing/Physician)

About Me

what am i dowing here
im an artist & tattooist love 4x4 driving riding bikes driving trucks but not into the biker sean nor the club sean i love painting wildlife and the ocasional noods no girls i paint noods not boobs on canvis nore the nood girl laying beside me what girle beside me i wish im not 1 for playing around my wife did that 1 for me im not to bad with the brush i have paintings around the world so im prity lucky that people must like my art work but its to boring painting day in day out trucks & tattooing is more fun have worked in the best shop & with the best Boss & croue in sydney im from the bush rather b in the bush sory girls im not that good looking as you can se by my photo well you cant have good looks & a good artist aswell i no i no there are sume out there that struck the luky dore prize but i was behind the dore wen good looks were given out but i can bl###dy paint good i will anser you when i am able to upgrade do not have a credit card never had 1 befor never neded 1 befor
just looking for a genuwine girl thats into having a bit of fun & mabe a longterm frendship in time no girls that are marid nor bys i like my girls strate not bent the ownly way to get to no sumone is to just talk to them & go for trips to the restront Drives to the beech or the bush & have pickniks & shere sum quolity time together not jump into bed strat away i beleve you must no the person ferst if a person cant talk its not gowing to work anyway & that inkluds talking problems out befor thay get to big i found that 1 out the hard way 23years & a fue kids latter she was my childhood sweethart im looking for a girl that still has sum morells

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