Cockadildo 53 years old, Woman, Live in Virginia


Looking For
United States
Virginia, Virginia Beach
Marital Status
5 ft 7 in / 171-172 cm
Body Type
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Business (Management)

About Me

What intrigues the mind satisfies the body...
intellectually accentuated sensualist looking for heightened experiences of the mindbody; athletic, articulate, aesthetically pleasing in and from all aspects around, you would not be disappointed in me as i am not in myself.oh, and i am attached, very much so. not interested in brazen barrages of communications that insist 'my 8 inches will leave you begging for more' because the only thing that leaves me begging for more is my dog's love and attention, because it's pure, real, and with meaning. why do people from the US Americans find it so hard to think? sex is a mental act as much as or more so than just a physical act... think everyone has turn ons and offs and everyone thinks during sex (women have to think to cum, i believe men have to think not to cum); so isn't it intellectuality or mentality that drives sex as much as or more so than physically just plugging a hole or fricking off alone? I am in search of a fuller mind body experience
IQ (breadth & depth), individuality (wise & wicked), inches (length & width)conversational ability passion for finer things OF life does NOT mean I want 'finer material' in a physical sense; I want 'finer material' in a metaphysical sense. Fulfillment of flesh from intellectual perspective, not physical only. Again, no emails on 'what you are packing' or how you can satisfy me; possible self proclaimed sexual prowess isn't what 'i need' i don't need anything just looking to see if anyone has a merged mindbody approach that is not focused on the tantric tract or the get off physical side solely, but is seriously merged, mature, real, attentive, fascinating, satisfying... like i want to feel mentally satiated DURING and AFTER the experience, like physically how you feel AFTER a perfect mealrelieving a full bladder just feline like I would purr to demonstrate i was satisfied whilst in and after the act... maybe i think too much? I think not... ;)

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