SoftandHard 44 years old, Man, Live in Gauteng


Looking For
South Africa
Gauteng, Johannesburg
Marital Status
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm
Body Type
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About Me

Skitzoid seeks mate
I tend to be quiet, but with occasional outbursts of humour. Yes, I have a receding hairline, no I am not going to try disguising it, it's part of my genetic makeup, accept it! But when I wear a cap, it's just cause I have red hair and fair skin so I have to protect myself from the sun, honest. I enjoy holding hands, kissing and huggz. But, when I touch your leg or put my hand in your back pocket it does not mean I want sex, I am just touchy feely. Enjoy watching almost all types of movies, but loathe soapies and cannot understand what millions see in them. Mostly I am a Sudoku junky or I read scifi/fantasy books. Not really into pets; cats and horses are the only ones I like, but don't have any of my own. Looking for a long term relationship, so if you're horny DO NOT call me! Nor do I do orgies!
My shrink says I need someone who is outgoing to balance my quietness. And who is warm, friendly, compassionate to animals (me), has a sense of humour (can see the funny side of sarcasm), intelligent (a one sided debate only works when you're buying something bad for yourself), selfconfident (able to accept that sometimes others are right and you are wrong, an argument is not a personal attack). Ability to cook would be a definite bonus, my culinary skills are limited to take out of can, put on stove, try not to burn too badly. A woman who looks after her figure and her health, when I am ill I need someone who can play nurse to poor little me.I am a bit on the sexually dominant side, so would prefer someone who is sexually submissive and ENJOYS a bit of bondage, spanking and other sex games;) Note I said sexually submissive, can't have a debate if you're scared of your own shadow, and woman who scream at the sight of a spider and other creepy crawlies, just plain annoy me.

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