GoldenArches 26 years old, Man, Live in Australia


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Attention please! Important information about irresistable male, right here!
I am a 21 year old male, seeking a female for fun and dating or just sex or whatever.I like women. But not all women. If you think that not doing what MTV tells you to will lead to your life consisting of absolute utter misery, then I don't think you are my type.Of course the same principal would also apply to men, but then again I'm not attracted to men.I love women who can argue and discuss things, even though the subject may be of no importance. I'm not usually very argumentative, unless I'm taking the piss out of someone of course. But I certainly am very keen on discussing all different things.I also like girls that are beautiful but don't really know it, or even better doesn't really care. Most girls are beautiful though. I think that if you feel good you generate something that makes you look good also.The only real turn off for me is obese people. Not because they are always ugly, many times you are beautiful too, but I have NEVER had good sex with a over weight person. And by over weight I mean FAT and not chubby. Chubby is cute.The best thing I know is when I've managed to make a girl smile!

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