LegendOfMyth 26 years old, Man, Live in District of Columbia


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District of Columbia, Washington
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About Me

umm hi i guess?
I'm not sure how you ran across my page... maybe you clicked a wrong link, got tricked into it by somebody else... hey, I'm not gonna speculate. Since you're here, though... I'll tell you a little about myself. My name's Davon, and I'm both the nicest, most sincere friend you'll ever make, or the most dangerous enemy you'll ever face. Well, short of a nuclear missile strike, but that might be going a little far in this case. I like to think of myself as a laid back kind of guy, despite occasional moments of fuck offitude when people piss me off. But for the most part, I suppose I'm what you'd call a decent person. I'm not gonna lie to you here. Most people piss me off, because they're just fuckin' stupid. But chances are if you get actual conversation out of me, I don't mind you, otherwise you'd find out very clear, very fast that I'm not too fond of you.

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