UndyingChilvary 42 years old, Man, Live in Delaware


Looking For
United States
Delaware, Newark
Marital Status
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6 ft 1 in / 186-188 cm
Body Type

About Me

Intimacy, passions and beyond...
Buenos Dias, Mucho Gusto! I am an established professional in the IT world with a passion for travel, deep and stimulating conversation, and intimate sexual relationships. I am married to someone who unfortunately was raised not knowing how to receive affections from a man raised knowing how to do so. Nevertheless I don't plan on leaving my significant other and am in search of someone who can accept that and where the both of us are deeply satisfied in more ways than one. I have the gift of gab, and love to make people laugh and strongly believe that personal wealth starts by first being happy.
I'm looking for a discreet relationship with a woman that I can spoil and can accept my present situation. This relationship is ALL about her and not me. I know what I want in life and that is to please a woman. That said, the ideal person is open to all manner of erotic pleasures both mental and physical. She is sure of herself and is not afraid to have every inch explored. This is not a one night stand, but a deep (often erotic) experience in intamacy through rich conversations, hugging, kissing, plenty of foreplay leading to whatever her heart desires in bed..or on the beach, library, you get the picture. I keep things real and expect her to do so as well. If all this attention is for you, please respond with a recent pictures and a means to contact you personally. No pictures, no response. I may not be Van Diesal but I respect my body (drug, alcohol, and disease free), you should to. Que la vida te enricas con todos sus caminos. (May life enrich you with every step)

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