Youngun777 45 years old, Man, Live in Maryland


Looking For
United States
Maryland, Annapolis
Marital Status
5 ft 7 in / 171-172 cm
Body Type
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Medical (Nursing/Physician)

About Me

Looking For A Few Good Women
I grew up near L.A. around the film & music industry..So I'm heavy into Music (especially Rock & Roll) & All kinds of movies (I'm a big collector)..I absolutely LOVE the water & Women (but not in that order) In leu of a formal education I traveled through the world's backroads... I have simple values but a complex personality..I am known to be generous to a fault..I thrive making other's happy & openly express myself both emotionally & physically with passion & affection. And,Oh yea,I almost forgot, and I know this may come as a huge shock to most of you reading this, but me, being a Hetrosexual Man & all, I do, on occasion,........LOVE, TO HAVE, SEX, SEX & MORE SEX!!!! Exxxspecially ORAL!!!!
Someone openly affectionate with a GREAT sense of humor who knows how to SMILE & have FUN even if it's just going to the grocery store. She's not afraid to communicate her feelings & needs to me no matter how trivial they may seem to her. She is a little mischeivous & loves surprising me & being surprised. She's open to a relationship with little or no strings attached at the begining.....& Then, see what develops from there. I have had some ugly experiences in the past by trusting too much too soon. But do keep in mind I AM from the WEST Coast so I'm not OVERLY cautious or Paronoid about meeting someone new.

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