garbear841 64 years old, Man, Live in Maryland


Looking For
United States
Maryland, Rockville
Marital Status
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm
Body Type
Medical (Nursing/Physician)

About Me

Still believe in magic
Quiet moments, no words spoken, wicked laughter. Inside jokes and stolen glances. Pillow talk and pillow fights. I’ll paint your toenails, you can trim my beard. Slow dancing so sensuous it makes you blush. My hands in your hair, my mouth on yours. Teasing, banter, playfulness. Loving with all we have. Bubble baths/warm showers and satin sheets. Making each other tremble. Waving goodbye, kissing hello. Whispered secrets. Strip pokerwinner takes all (of course you’ll cheat) Naughty picnics in those special hideaways. Fanny pats and back rubs. Celebrating the good, sharing in the sorrows. Making mischief. Wine and music. Coffee and cartoons. Door locked, phone off the hook. Candlelit breakfast at 3 a.m. Little spats and making up. Respect, devotion, friendship, trust, intimacy, humor, passion, romance, forgiveness, patience, understanding, affection, affection, affection, all steeped in honesty and love. Still believe in magic?
Describing who I'd like to meet gives a great deal of insight into who I am. You're attractive in every way just fun to be with without a lot of effort, very comfortable. You like to touch because it's the natural way of things. You love to explore everything ... life’s an adventure, it’s just that much better when shared. You really enjoy people and making friends and yet you can be perfectly comfortable being your own best friend. You like dogs. Golden Retrievers are a plus. They're hard to pass by without petting or scratching their ears just to watch the look you get. You enjoy the theater and look great when you wear that little black dress. Dinner with a good wine is a plus before or after... A little ornery....maybe. The shape you keep yourself in says you care ... either that or you're just plain lucky genetically. You can like and be liked; you can love and be loved. Your past has shaped you but doesn't dictate who you are.

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